Monday, April 6, 2009

Fish Hawk

I went fishing on Sunday with my Dad and older brother. I hadn't been fishing in years. I LOVE fishing with my dad. He baits the hook and takes the fish off. He gets my hooks out of the trees (hey, he got his stuck sometimes too!). And he seems to be happier when I catch a fish than when he does! It's always an exercise in pampering. Who would ever think fishing is a time when a girl would feel pampered? hahaha

While we were fishing, there was a Fish Hawk flying over head. As we watch, it plummets through the air and SMACKS into the water. Not a dive but a solid, loud CRASH! Then it flaps once or twice, rises out of the water with a fish in its talons and goes on its merry way. The Fish Hawk did this 3 or 4 times. Circle, swoop, SMACK, fly away with a fish. It was fascinating. If I smacked the water that hard it would HURT. This bird definitely caugth more fish than I did.

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