*Write a statement about someone that you've never said to them.
*Use as many people as you want!
* DO NOT indicate to anyone who these statements belong to!
*Try not to repeat a statement
*Have fun... be serious, nerdy, horny... whatever... just do something!!
* This can be very therapeutic!
The concept intrigued me, so here we go:
30 things I would say…..
- You were wrong. So HA!
- I never told you the effect you had on me because I didn’t want you to carry that burden simply because you were careless. But, NEVER tell that to another child! You did a lot of damage.
- I wish you didn’t have to try so hard to make it work. You deserve better.
- That is not your battle to fight! It's not mine either.
- I criticize you, but I’m more like you than I want to admit. I want the same things you do. Please stop trying so hard. Stop convincing yourself that this shadow of what you want is the real thing.
- I’m so happy for you. You got what you never expressed that you wanted. I hope it is as perfect as it seems.
- You made a stupid choice. Why did you give up? What did you think you were getting? Is it worth it? Do you regret it at all? Did you ever think how your actions would affect others? Did you care?
- I’m sorry I didn’t take the chance to say “I love you.”
- I want my future husband to be like you. You are my hero.
- I pray you will see the real God, not the “church” God you have always been exposed to.
- You stepped into my life when she stepped out. I will forever be greatful for that.
- You are fighting for what YOU want and not what God wants for you. Please hurry up and see how great His plans are for you. You’d be so happy! His plans are good. Your plans always seem to make life harder. Get a clue. Aren’t you tired of fighting God’s plan? I’m tired for you.
- I miss you. I think of you often. I wonder what would happen if I contacted you. Why didn't you call?
- I always read about friends like you, but never dreamed it was real. I thank God for you! I pity people who do not have friends like you.
- Stop trying so hard. You are awesome just the way you are.
- I wish we could spend more time together. We are all so alike.
- Step up and prove you want it. I wish I could light a fire under your butt.
- I hate to think about what you are going to be like when you grow up. You have had such conflicting messages in your childhood. You always want to push the limits. You are searching and will never find what you want from anyone on this earth. Oh, I pray God will snatch you up and put you where you need to be. I pray He fills in your holes and shows that He is all you need and want.
- You pretend your past doesn’t bother you, but it constantly haunts you. Your fears all stem from your past. Do no pass them on to your kids.
- I worry about you and do not want to clean up the mess you will leave behind.
- I will always remember you as the wicked witch. I’m grateful you were not a larger part of my life. Your influence will not be passed on through any more generations if I have any control over it. I wonder what YOUR childhood was like, but do not think that gives you a free pass for what you did.
- You need to let go. I don’t understand why you do that every day. I can’t begin to fathom what you get from it. How does it help you? She’s gone!
- You missed a lot. I know you regret it. Please don’t let it be guilt that drives you now. Let this be real and not regret.
- You just keep going. When your plate is full you seem to add more. I’m scared you are just going to stop one day. Your stress level has got to be high. You handle it well, but I worry it will begin to handle you.
- Your world is so small. You follow all the rules. You are a sweet, kind, goodhearted person, but you are missing the best parts of life.
- I know you love me, but you sure don’t speak in my love language. I think you are stuck in your ways out of fear…maybe it’s just age. I love you very much and wish we communicated better. I take fault for some for it, but hope you do to.
- I’m not as content as you think I am. Please stop trying to fit me into a simple box.
- I had always read about it, dreamed about it, seen it in movies and wanted it…..but never believed it was real until you. You have raised the bar high. Sometimes I wish you hadn’t.
- I miss you, but I think I’m a better person without you. I know my world is small compared to yours….but only because I choose it. And I know you struggle with why someone would choose to make their world smaller.
- Being right and doing the right thing are not the same. Do what is right, not what you have the right to do.
Now, are you wondering if YOU inspired one of those? ;-)
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