Sunday, March 29, 2009


Today was the PERFECT spring day. I had nothing planned, no where to go and lots of sun shining all around. Trees are blooming, daffodils are up. Tulips aren't far behind. The house didn't need AC or heat. Short sleeves have replaces long sleeves and a sweat shirt. After a few days of rain and mud and deariness, the sun was very welcome. March just might go out like a lamb after all. I sure hope this is Spring putting her foot down and demanding that Winter back off and stay away until next year.

I should have worked in my flower beds. I should have graded papers. I should have washed my car. Instead, I ate lunch with friends while kids ran around outside. I took a long walk with a friend in town. I sat in a chair in the sun and worked on lesson plans. I had a great day! I want to do it again tomorrow!

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