Saturday, November 21, 2009

whine whine

So, I'm a major blogger slacker and haven't really felt the need/desire to blog much in the past 3 months....but I'm bored and home alone on Saturday night, so I'll ramble a bit.

To quote a friend..."So there's this guy...." and he is totally "Not That Into Me!" I know this, and I accept this. And I never see this old guy, so I'm not pining or living on hope or any of that stupid girl stuff. But I went on a coffee date with this new guy today. We talked for 5 hours and he was intelligent and nice and attractive (I'm not talking Johnny Depp hot, but decent). It was nice.....but all I could think was that he wasn't as good as the "There's this guy" guy. Don't worry, I'll give this new guy a shot if he calls and asks me out again....but I HATE that I always compare guys to the old guy. Isn't there a cut off date after which a girl stops comparing new guys to old guy?

School is going well. I have a sweet, smart class and most things are fairly effortless. Its amazing what parent involvement can do. We've had a few rough days recently and I've had to remind the kids that I'm not their friend, I'm their TEACHER! I try to give them lots of choices so they feel like they have ownership of their learning....but I think they have begun to feel that they get to make ALL the choices and even make demands. All of the recent discord in the class is partially due to the need for a break and partially due to the time of year. Christmas is truly a fever for kids!

So my roommate lost her job and may be moving in January to go to seminary in Louisianna. I can't afford the new house on my own. So I either have to find a new roommate or a new place to live. Both of which are more stress than I want to bother with. Why can't I just get comfortable and stay still for a while and enjoy one place? I hate change. Its necessary sometimes. And even fun sometimes. But mostly its just annoying. Anyone want to solve this problem for me?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Up to Speed

So after the trip to Texas, I came home and slept in my own bed for 5 days and then left early Monday for Church Camp. This should have been a week with no major problems other than trying to remind the teens to "make room for Jesus" with all their new summer camp romances. Instead, we had drama to the max.

Before leaving, the youth group leader had his brand new car stolen and torched on Saturday morning. The pastor went to the emergency room with a crushed pinkie finger after a trailer/jet ski fumble. (Being the pastor's daughter's roommate, I went along until the wee hours of the morning.) And Sunday morning was the last day for the pastor (he had officially resigned 2 weeks prior and Sunday was his last day.)

We also had the extra drama of having 2 of our students get caught smoking pot in their dorm room on Wednesday. SHEESH! How stupid can you be. When you are surrounded by miles and miles of trees in the mountains of VA, you don't stay in your enclosed dorm room to smoke anything, especially pot! They were promptly sent home and we went on with the week.

On Thursday, the only existing keys for the church van were missing (and thankfully found the next morning).

On Saturday, Paige left her wallet in a Chick-fil-A in South Carolina.....only we didn't figure out it was missing until we were 2 hours away. So we had to think fast to figure out a way to get it since Chick-fil-A is closed on Sunday and she would be on vacation on Monday. (A friend in South Carolina helped out!!)

And on Sunday, I figured the week had so much drama and I had been at worship time every night for a week, so I slept in and totally skipped church!!

I have been back for a week. This past week I taught the Kindergarten Class of Vacation Bible School at my church every night. We had one of the teens from church spend the night most of the week. And the grand finale of this post....we spent most of Wednesday night "flamingo-ing" the pastor's house (his daughter's idea!)

The same night, we also toilet papered the youth pastor's house...TWICE! The first one was on Facebook before 2AM....the girls cleaned it up and figured that he would NEVER suspect that happening twice in one they went back and did a more thorough job the second time! bahahahaha

That's my life in July in a nut shell. The next few weeks should be WAY more boring. :-D

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rental Car Companies

I wanted to go visit my mom while I was in Texas. It is a 6 hour drive from where I was in Texas to my Mom's house in Oklahoma. I went online, found a good rate at Enterprise Rental Car and reserved an economy car at one location in town. My friend drove me to the rental car place....which was not easy since the GPS directions were wrong and the rental company was located INSIDE a car dealership's service department bay.

Once successfully locating the company, I went inside. There was another lady waiting. The only worker was on the phone and did not look up as I entered. When he got off the phone, he spoke to the woman who was waiting ahead of me. He had her sign paper work, he took her out to look at the car and then he came back in. He filed said paper work and typed on his computer BEFORE making eye contact or greeting me. He did NOT say "sorry for your wait"...just a cool greeting with a bad attitude. When I told him who I was he went on to explain that his location does not rent economy class cars (even though the website confirmed my reservation for this class of car!!). He had tried to call me but must have the wrong the end, he reluctantly looked up the other car dealerships in town and made a few phone calls only to discover that NO ONE in all of town had ANY cars to rent. (I call Bull Shit on that one!)

He offered to call a company a few towns over....which would be an hour drive for me and out of the way. But since I didn't enter my phone number correctly, this wasn't his fault (he claims). If my number had been correct, he would have been able to cancel my request since he doesn't carry economy cars. So he is not responsible for making sure the other car rental person that is a full hour away and in the wrong direction gives me discount, deal or upgrade of any kind. "Sorry, You are Shit Out of Luck" was his attitude. I was FURIOUS! Enterprise will be receiving a letter from me for an ineffective website and a RUDE employee who doesn't know how to do his job!

THEN, we ended up in Texarkana. My friend was on a business trip....I had hoped to rent a car there. It would cut down on my visiting time with Mom by about a day, but could have been feasible.....however, the rental car companies refused to take my Visa check card. Apparently, they will not rent a car unless you have a credit card that is NOT linked to any other account. The fact that I have over $3,000 in my account doesn't matter. The fact that it has a VISA symbol on it and works as a credit card every where else I go doesn't matter. They will be glad to CHARGE my VISA check card when I return! But they are unwilling to secure the car rental with said card!!!! WTF?!? (I have a credit card, it just happens to be at home in VA and therefore useless.)

So no rental car for me. No visit to see my mom. After 12 hours of stress and worry and a few tears, I am sitting in a hotel room with lots of time on my hands and several books to keep me busy. I'll spend some of my spare time in the hotel room writing a letter of complaint to Enterprise!!


I went to Chincoteague with Kim and had a great time. We left the day after school was over and stayed for a week. We did a lot of relaxing and a little bit of sight seeing....which was perfect for me. We walked around to see the ponies, we kayaked through the marsh, we sat on the beach, we ate lots of seafood, we bowled, we played putt-putt, we shopped and we ate ice cream almost every day. We also read lots of books, cooked a few good meals, tried our hand at catching crabs and watched some TV. It was a great chance to get away for a while.

Now I am in Texas. I came for 2 weeks with Paige and family. We stayed at her Dad's lake house for a few days and swam, played card games, played Farkle and read books in the hammock. Now I am in Texarkana. I was supposed to rent a car and go see my mom (see next post for details), but that fell through, so I am being lazy in a quiet hotel room while Paige attends a conference. I found a Books-A-Million and bought a few books and magazines. I will probably go back to the mall for a little shopping. And I'm sure I'll watch TV and nap.

I have enjoyed the LONG break from school. I have enjoyed the books and the relaxation. I have enjoyed the company. But I'm kinda ready to be back home and get some things done on my to-do list. I'm ready to sleep in my own bed and drive my own car. I'm ready to start the process of planning for a new school year and designing my classroom in my head........BUT after Texas is a week of Church Camp in North Carolina. So I have to hold out a little longer! God Help Me!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Its the end of my 7th year of teaching. At the end of each year I look back and realize all the things I could have done better. The parents I should have harassed. The students I should have been tougher on. The lessons that were boring that need to be revamped. The students I will always remember....for good and for bad.

But this year as I look back, I realize that this time last year I wasn't teaching in a classroom. I was in South Africa. I was stressed about the lack of schedule and structure to my day. I was anxious to finish my job and get home. I was excited because my best friend was going to fly out to see me for 2 weeks. It sometimes feels like Africa was SOOO far away and in another life time. It is strange to think that living in Africa was something that was just ho-hum life at one point. It was no more foreign than teaching 4th grade! hahaha

A year in Africa and a year in 4th grade....2 strange, unusual worlds with their own unique culture. I'm hoping that the up coming school year will feel like putting on an old, favorite, comfortable T-shirt. I hope I'm not looking back at kindergarten with rose colored glasses. But I remember having more FUN with the little kids. I hope my memory serves me well, because its back to the wild world of 5 year olds I go. Praise Jesus and God help me!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Men at Lowe's

I have heard many times that the most popular non-bar places to find a man are:
1. The grocery store
2. Church
3. Lowe's

I happened to be going to Lowe's on Saturday to get a few things for the house. I put on makeup and didn't wear one of my stained T-shirts. Not really making an effort to look good, but making an effort to not look bad if that makes sense. I never know who you might meet right?

While at Lowe's I realized that it is the LAST place I will find a man. As I walked down the isles looking for an air filter for the house (which was in the plumbing section!) this is what I saw:
1. A cute guy as I was walking in one direction.....when I got to the end of the store and realized what I wanted was on the other end, I walked back by cute-guy-aisle and saw cute guy......his leg was cocked and he was busy scratching himself! Ewww.
2. The next aisle over I see a not-so-cute guy digging up his nose. Not just picking his nose....digging! Mining for gold!!
3. The next few aisle produced men pushing carts with kids in them as they followed around their wives.
4. The garden section produced a few more married couples, a bunch of women and one sickly sweet gay couple.
5. And to make it the best trip ever, all of the people who worked at Lowe's were either old enough to be my dad or young enough to be jail bait. Once again....Ewww.

I left Lowe's barely able to contain my laughter. This is the place I'm supposed to meet men? God help me! I may die an old maid!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's Almost Over!

As a student, I remember thinking that the last few weeks/days of school were a waste. We watched movies and played and learned very little. As a kindergarten teacher, that was not the case in my class. Oh, we had fun, but I was assessing and teaching right up until the end. The last two days were cleaning and packing things, but even then we did some learning activities!

4th grade is a bird of a different color. All of the testing is scheduled to be done by the end of the day Monday.....which gives me 9 days where I have covered every required objective and have no set goals we have to meet. The kids know this! There really is no reason for them to want to do work after next week....its not going to affect them if they are lazy. I can't really give graded work the last week because the information has to be entered into the computer in time for report cards to be printed. So I'm faced with a FORCED week of fluff. Movies, games, extra recess and crowd control are my job for the last week of school. I will try to squeeze academics in where I can, but seriously....they are checking out on me at an alarming rate.

And just to make things more entertaining for us all.....throw in 150 fourth graders, one week of school remaining, lack of attention span, and summer fever.....mix it all together with FAMILY LIFE class for 2 days and what do you call that??? CRAZY! I have to talk about puberty and body changes with 4th graders at THIS point in the year? Who's dumb idea was that? I wish I could video tape it for your viewing pleasure. Just saying the words "family life" made the kids giggle and make crack comments.....what are they going to do when we split all the girls and boys and actually TALK about these things? Eish!