Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I went to Chincoteague with Kim and had a great time. We left the day after school was over and stayed for a week. We did a lot of relaxing and a little bit of sight seeing....which was perfect for me. We walked around to see the ponies, we kayaked through the marsh, we sat on the beach, we ate lots of seafood, we bowled, we played putt-putt, we shopped and we ate ice cream almost every day. We also read lots of books, cooked a few good meals, tried our hand at catching crabs and watched some TV. It was a great chance to get away for a while.

Now I am in Texas. I came for 2 weeks with Paige and family. We stayed at her Dad's lake house for a few days and swam, played card games, played Farkle and read books in the hammock. Now I am in Texarkana. I was supposed to rent a car and go see my mom (see next post for details), but that fell through, so I am being lazy in a quiet hotel room while Paige attends a conference. I found a Books-A-Million and bought a few books and magazines. I will probably go back to the mall for a little shopping. And I'm sure I'll watch TV and nap.

I have enjoyed the LONG break from school. I have enjoyed the books and the relaxation. I have enjoyed the company. But I'm kinda ready to be back home and get some things done on my to-do list. I'm ready to sleep in my own bed and drive my own car. I'm ready to start the process of planning for a new school year and designing my classroom in my head........BUT after Texas is a week of Church Camp in North Carolina. So I have to hold out a little longer! God Help Me!

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