Sunday, March 29, 2009


Today was the PERFECT spring day. I had nothing planned, no where to go and lots of sun shining all around. Trees are blooming, daffodils are up. Tulips aren't far behind. The house didn't need AC or heat. Short sleeves have replaces long sleeves and a sweat shirt. After a few days of rain and mud and deariness, the sun was very welcome. March just might go out like a lamb after all. I sure hope this is Spring putting her foot down and demanding that Winter back off and stay away until next year.

I should have worked in my flower beds. I should have graded papers. I should have washed my car. Instead, I ate lunch with friends while kids ran around outside. I took a long walk with a friend in town. I sat in a chair in the sun and worked on lesson plans. I had a great day! I want to do it again tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Music Magic

I have often thought that music is akin to magic. Think of all the things it can do:
  • inspire patriotism
  • calm a baby
  • advertise a product so that its never forgotten (My bologna has a first name....)
  • change a mood (for better or for worse)
  • express things that otherwise are unable to be expressed
  • bring back a memory
  • tell a story
  • help you remember information (ABCDEFG....)
  • make you fall in love
  • tell about how you fell out of love
  • bring you to tears
  • get your pants off
  • help you exercise

......and I could keep going and going. Music is so good for so many things. What is it about the human brain that makes us wired for sound.....literally?

There are certain songs that just make me feel like everything is ok. They remind me of a wonderful, warm, lazy summer. They calm me physically, emotionally and mentally. No matter how many times I listen to a song, no matter how many different contexts in which I hear the song, it always brings back a specific memory or a special place and time.

Santana's "Smooth" reminds me of college (Junior Year?)
Rascal Flatt's "Where You Are" reminds me of a boy and a summer in the 'Burg.
Cademon's Call's "High Country" reminds me of a drive through South Africa's mountains.

If I were a really smart scientist I would do a study on brain's and prove that music is like a drug to our brains. I'd win a Nobel prize and be famous!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

There's this guy....

Ok, so I never ever post on here anymore. I'm pretty sure no one looks at it any more. But if for some reason you ever look on goes......

So there's this guy! hahahaha
Age--unsure....late 30s?
Divorced, 2 kids
average height....6'?
average build
grey hair (salt and pepper with lots of salt)
drives a motorcycle and a convertible
Works 2 jobs...Bass Pro Shop and a Gov't Contracting Company that repairs/paints gov't trucks
He's a real man, not one of those metro-wanna be sorts!

Interesting facts: I taught his son in my kindergarten class 6 years ago.
His kids go to my grandma's day care.
He brings his kids to my church so I see him about twice a week if he has the kids for the weekend.
I've semi-noticed him being more awkward around me the past several months but never knew him well so assumed he was just a little weird in general.

Good News: A reliable source was trying to "set us up" and during her conversation with him she found out he is kinda interested in me. I'm "cute and have a good soul" (his words!) And he was indeed being more weird around me than around other people.

Sad news: He is currently seeing someone else.
Is it bad to pray that she was his rebound after his divorce and that he will now realize I'm interested and dump her and move on to me? hahaha

And that's how my life goes! Too little, too late. That was my excitement for the week.